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Montag, 22. August 2011

Gambling addiction - Causes and Symptoms

In the early days, players used to go to Las Vegas or Atlantic City to find concrete measures they crave. Now the scenario has changed completely. Players can find the real emotion in their homes these days.
Today, legalized gambling has become one of the most dynamic sectors in America. The growing popularity of this game that most people involved in this industry making lots of money.
Unfortunately, the game became an addiction for most people involved in this game. People can see in this game as a pleasure-seeking behavior, but sometimes it becomes very difficult to get rid of this activity or to avoid some type of emotional pain.

In a broader perspective, gambling addiction is a type of behavior that gives rise to serious disturbances in any area of ​​life. We may suffer from physical space, social or professional, even.
According to the American Psychological Association, gambling can be classified or refers to a type of mental disorder of impulse control. It is also known as a type of chronic and progressive, both diagnosed and treated. In one study, about 2 to 4 percent of Americans have already developed a gambling addiction
Some of the causes of gambling addiction:
The causes of pathological gambling is not yet known. However, research has made many observations and conclusions:
a) Excessive exposure to gambling in certain circumstances be assessed.
b) Increased capacity for self-deception.
c) State of intolerable feelings such as depression, helplessness and guilt.
A player are:
a) Laying
b) Stealing money
c) the excessive lending of money.
d) Loss of control.
e) Exhaust
f) illegal acts
g) Tolerance
h) Removal
risk i) the mayor of a significant relationship
j) Rescue
k) Concern
The state of anxiety occurs when the player is constantly thinking of the game. The individual can remember their past. The player's life is limited to games of chance and another way to earn money to play. The player at this stage can spend the money meant for some other purpose to meet the satisfaction obtained from the game.
a) Often, a player becomes tolerant of gambling. Here you need a good amount of money for players.
b) Stop the game may suddenly be removed. This process can cause a lot of irritation whenever he or she is trying to reduce or stop playing.
c) The gambling can lead to lying to their parents, friends and near and dear ones.
d) A player loses control of his addiction to gambling.
The game is not good for the life of the individual. Get addicted to this game can have many negative effects. Here are some common problems, a person may fall because of gambling
a) The loss of employment or unemployment
b) debt
c) the bankruptcy
d) fraud
e) Diversion
f) Tampering
g) participation in crime
h) Detention
i) imprisonment
j) The physical and mental health patients
k) Attempted suicide
If you want to get rid of addiction is very important to seek professional help. You can go to different treatments to get rid of gambling.

For more articles, news, information, advice and resources on addiction please visit